Ijaw Group, Journalists pledge support for Nigerian Content implementation


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The Movement for the Survival of the Ijaw Ethic Nationality in the Niger Delta (MOSIEND) on Thursday pledged to continue supporting the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB) in its implementation of the Nigerian Content Act.

Speaking when the group paid a courtesy visit to the Executive Secretary, NCDMB, Mr. Denzil Kentebe at his office in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, Chairman of MOSIEND, Mr. Victor Eyororokum confirmed that the group collaborated effectively with the Board under the tenure of the pioneer Executive Secretary, Dr. Ernest Nwapa and were keen to continue the relationship under the new helmsman.

He explained that the group were particularly interested in capacity building and employment generation for their members and were keen to participate in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Parks Scheme (NOGaPS) and the Polaku Pipe mill project promoted by the Board.

Speaking further, Eyororokum informed that MOSIEND helped the Board to interface with youth groups in the Niger Delta, adding that concerted efforts were made to ensure that youths did not act aggressively and discourage planned industry investments.

He regretted that majority of their members who benefitted from oil industry training programmes were unable to get job placements afterwards and pleaded with the Board to help readdress the situation.

In his remarks, the Executive Secretary, NCDMB, Mr. Denzil Kentebe assured MOSIEND that their collaboration with the Board will continue under his leadership, especially with regards to capacity building and participation in NOGaPS and Polaku Pipe mill project when they get on full steam.

He appreciated the group’s support in fostering a conducive environment for industry operations in the state, cautioning however, that the Board may never meet all its expectations.

On the difficulty MOSIEND members face in getting jobs after undergoing training programmes, the Executive Secretary advised that such trainees should form groups and bid for small industry contracts as there were gaps for small-scale companies in the oil and gas industry. According to him, “That’s a better way for your members to utilise the training they got than coming to seek for paid employment. That way, they become employers of labour themselves.”

Kentebe also charged MOSIEND to identify tangible services the association can offer the Board and other players in the industry which will qualify for formal pay rather than relying on agencies like the Board for support.

Similarly, the Federated Correspondents Chapel (FCC) of the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ), Bayelsa State Council has promised to partner the Board in communicating the aspirations of the Nigerian Content Act and educating local communities on how they can participate in the oil and gas industry.

Chairman of the FCC, Mr. Samuel Ese who led members of his executive on a courtesy call to the Executive Secretary on Thursday underscored the role of the Board as it relates to opening the industry to involve the Nigerian people and retain key activities of the industry in-country.

He pleaded with the Board to partner their members in its activities so they would report the initiatives and achievements of Nigerian Content. He added that working closely with the Board will also aid the monitoring of operating and service companies to ensure they comply with provisions of the Act.

Ese further requested for capacity building programmes for members of FCC in line with the Board’s mandate of training and supporting stakeholders of the industry. Such trainings, according to him will improve journalists’ understanding of the Nigerian Content Act, the Board’s relationship with other agencies in the oil and gas industry and how best the media can support the implementation process.

In his comments, the Executive Secretary, NCDMB, Mr. Denzil Kentebe promised to engender closer collaboration with the media. He identified key roles the media can play in the implementation of Nigerian Content and pledged the support of the Board in helping members of the chapel build their capacities and acquire equipment needed for their assignments.

He also charged the media to always promote the mission of the Act which among other things seeks to increase the participation of Nigerians and utilization of Nigerian assets and facilities in the operations of the oil and gas industry.



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