Human Capacity Development

The primary thrust of this unit is to drive competence-based, industry/job-ready and globally competitive Human Capital Development in the oil and gas industry and linkage sectors.

The Board’s Human Capital Development implementation strategy involves the following:  

  1. Direct Intervention Human Capital Development (DIHCD)

The DIHCD involves the direct sponsorship of trainings by the Board for graduates and artisans in professional skills, technical and non-technical skills, vocational and entrepreneurial skills, soft/essential skills, and creative and innovative skills and competences.

The Board engages accredited and reputable industry training providers, training organizations and educational institutions with requisite capacities to provide Direct Intervention Human Capital Development services. The training/service providers are selected based on their capacity and capabilities of the subject matter in line with the provisions of the Public Procurement Act of 2007.

The 60-20-20 Strategic Training Model

The Nigerian Content Human Capital Development Direct Intervention Trainings shall be in line with the 60-20-20 Strategic Training Model adopted by the Board. The 60-20-20 Strategic Training Model provides that:

  1. 60% of  NC-HCD  Training  shall  be  dedicated   to   employment   creation  and entrepreneurship  development  in the Oil and Gas Industry  and linkage  sectors. Accordingly, at least 60% of the beneficiaries of the training programmes shall have a line of sight to employment or shall be employed. Where there are limited space/opportunities for direct employment, adequate provision shall be made for starter pack to be provided for each of the trainees at the completion of the training to support viable entrepreneurship ventures.
  2. 20% of NC-HCD is for advanced/higher level training and certification for Nigerian personnel in the Oil and Gas Industry and linkage sectors, and Nigerians that have undergone some level of training but require advanced/higher level skills, competences and certifications.
  3. And 20% of NC-HCD is for basic/job entry level human capital development. This includes graduate and non-graduate trainings.
  1. Project-Based Human Capital Development (PBHCD)

Sections 10(1b), 28(1), 29, 30, and 37 of the NOGICD Act of 2010 requires all operators, contractors, sub-contractors and alliance partners to make provisions for training and give first consideration to Nigerians for training and employment during execution of projects/contracts in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry. In compliance with these provisions, all operators, contractors, sub-contractors and alliance partners are required to submit a detailed Employment and Training Plan to the plan for review and approval. This applies to every project/contract or group of contracts (including, call off contracts, routine service) with an umbrella ceiling ranging from One million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) and above in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry.

Training Budget Matrix

The table below shows the matrix in the determination of the training budget for Project-Based Human Capital Development.

Training Requirements

Project-Based Human Capital Development is carried out in line with the following:

  • Project-Based Human Capital Development shall be on the back of contracts for Projects, Services and Procurement.
  • The consideration    and   conceptualization   of   Project-Based   Human   Capital Development shall start at the ITT stage of projects/contracts, where a percentage of the total  contract  cost shall be set aside as training  budget  in line  with the Training Budget Matrix,  and shall be separated from the total project/contract cost or contractor cost.
  • The approved training budget for Project-Based Human Capital Development may be utilized for other Human Capital Development initiatives/programmes, including development of training institutional capabilities in-country in terms of facilities, faculties, curriculum, technology and accreditation, to support the sustainable and continuous development of the requisite workforce needed to support the Oil and Gas Industry and linkage sectors. In this regard, part of the budget may be utilized for the upgrade and provision of training infrastructure, while the remaining portion shall be utilized in organizing refresher and competence-based training to support both the current and future projects in the Industry.
  • The Training Implementation Proposal (TIP)/Human  Capital  Development  Plan (HCDP) shall be developed and signed  by the  contractor  and submitted by the operator/project promoter  to  the Board for  review and approval. The TIP/HCDP shall be in line with   the project/ contract scope, training   budget, execution plan/schedule,             skills    and     competences required         for       the      delivery          of        the project/contract, and the provisions of this Guideline.
  • The operator/project promoter shall ensure that the scope, curriculum/curricula and quality of the training are sufficient to equip trainees with skills and competences required for effective and seamless delivery of the subject project/contract and/or work ln the operator/project promoter or contractor’s organization, such that the operator/project promoter and contractor could readily and desirously employ the trainees after successful completion of the training.
  • The total number   of trainees for Project Based Human Capital Development (PBHCD) shall be determined by the training budget, skills and competency levels and certifications required.
  • The training budget for Project-Based Human Capital Development shall not be used for   operators/project   promoters    and    contractors’   Corporate    Social Responsibility (CSR) commitments/obligations. It is not also intended to address the community and social commitments of the operators/project promoters and contractors.
  • Where the training budget is to be utilized for institutional upgrade or provision of training infrastructure, the Board shall approve the facility, scope of work and the implementation plan through a fair, competitive and transparent process.
  • The selection of vendors for institutional facility upgrade shall follow the tender processes approved by the Board and compliant with the requirements of the Public Procurement Act of 2007.
  • Candidates for Project-Based Human Capital Development shall be derived from the Nigerian Content Joint Qualification System in line with the provisions of the Guideline for Community Content and Sections 28(2) and 35 of the NOGICD Act of 2010.
  • The operator/project promoter/contractor shall, for   no   reason   whatsoever, commence the training without the formal approval of the Training Implementation Proposal (TIP)/Human Capital Development Plan (HCDP) through the issuance of an approval letter by the Board.
  • The operator/project promoter/contractor shall          not      commence, or           kick-off approved trainings without formally notifying the Board and without the Board’s participation at the kick-off ceremony.
  • The operator/project promoter/contractor  shall   not   close   out   any  training programme  without  formally  notifying  the  Board for  approval  and without  the Board’s participation at the dose-out ceremony.


Requirements for TIP/HCDP Approval

The operator/project promoter/contractor shall submit to the Board the following:

  1. Approved/draft copy of the Nigerian Content Compliance Certificate (NCCC) for the project/contract.
  2. Detailed cost breakdown for both classroom training and on-the job/hands-on
  3. Detailed curriculum/curricula and/or training modules.
  4. Detailed training schedule for both classroom and on-the-job/hands-on tra’1ning, indicating the training modules’ delivery plan and required activities with specific timeline.
  5. Training Milestone Delivery Structure.
  6. Training Implementation Plan (TIP)/Human Capital Development Plan (HCDP) shall provide the following details:
  • Detailed project scope.
  • Total project man-hours.
  • Total project/contract cost in USD.
  • Total project/contract duration.
  • Training man-hours.
  • Training duration.
  • Training budget/cost in USD using the Training Budget Matrix.
  • Required candidates’ educational qualification(s) per training discipline.
  • Platform for E-Learning for trainees where applicable.
  • Shortlist of training providers, including address, phone and email details.
  • Trainees’ employment and/or entrepreneurship development plan/strategy.
  • Total number of trainees.
  • Training disciplines/skills and competency levels.
  • Relevant software applications to be used for the training.
  • List of internationally recognized and Industry acceptable certifications trainees shall earn at the end of the trainings/Certifying Body.
  • Provision for HSE, BOSIET and any other related trainings and requirements that will enable trainees work at onshore and offshore project site/locations
  1. Collaborative Human Capital Development (CHCD)

Collaborative Human Capital Development are initiatives facilitated by the Board in partnership with stakeholders such as NNPC, PTDF, PETAN, OGTAN, PTI, ITF, NDDC, IOCs, NOCs, Marginal Field Operators (MFO), Service Providers, Tertiary Institutions and any other entity/organization or government  agencies. These initiatives are jointly sponsored by the Board and the collaborating stakeholders or sponsored absolutely by the collaborating stakeholders or the Board through the   NCDF and   budgetary provisions.  They are also   Capacity Development Initiatives (CDI) funded by stakeholders in the Oil and Gas Industry.  The initiatives focus on training and support for the development of globally competitive Educational Institutions/System. The objective is to ensure that students in the Nigerian educational system are equipped with skills and competences to the extent that they may not require additional training intervention to qualify for entry level jobs in the Oil and Gas Industry  and  linkage  sectors or ensure that  they  are  field-ready.  

Also, the Board  develops and  facilitates  special  strategic initiatives  on  the  basis of mutual   collaboration/partnership  with  the  operators,  contractors,  service  providers, alliance partners and other stakeholders for the training  of Nigerian personnel working in the Oil and Gas Industry and linkage sectors,  especially in highly technical/specialized skills and competences with critical gaps in-country. Such trainings are sponsored by the Board through the NCDF and budgetary provisions or joint-sponsored by the Board and the partnering stakeholders. The Board also maximizes opportunities for understudy of Expatriates/Succession Plan as provided in Section 31 (1) of the NOGICD Act of 2010 in collaboration with Planning, Research and Statistics Directorate of the Board, to build the skills, competences, capacities and capabilities of Nigerian personnel in the Oil and Gas Industry.

  1. Remedial Human Capital Development

Operators, Contractors  and activity  executors who were found  not  to have willfully  and consistently violated  the  provisions  of  the act and  who  have demonstrated  sufficient remorse to qualify for forbearance by the Board, shall be required to undertake approved Remedial Human Capital Development in accordance with the provisions of this guideline to make up for their non- compliance with the provisions of the act.

Remedial Human Capital  Development  (RHCD) includes  initiative  undertaken  to address non-compliance with  the  provisions of the NOGICD Act of 2010 and Nigerian Content  related matters  by the operators,  contractors, sub-contractors, service providers and alliance partners. The RHCD are dedicated to training of Nigerians in critical skills and competences and support for the development of globally competitive Educational Institutions/System in-country. The Board determines the type of initiative to be implemented in line with the aspirations of the NOGICD Act and the provisions of the Guideline for Nigerian Content Human Capital Development Implementation Strategy. The scope and duration of the trainings, number of trainees, certification(s) and training providers shall be approved by the Board. All RHCD shall be in alignment with the provisions of the HCD Guideline.

Nigerian Content Human Capital Development Training Framework

All Nigerian Content Human Capital Development (NC-HCD) Trainings shall consist of Classroom Training, Practical and On-The-Job/Hands-on Training, and Certification. The trainings shall cover Engineering, Sciences, Technical and Non-Technical Skills, Soft/Essential Skills, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Skills, Innovation Development and Business Incubation. The trainings shall be based on identified gaps and clearly defined needs, skills, competences and certifications. Also, the trainings shall be in alignment with Industry needs, rapidly   changing   technology   and   smart innovations,  and globally competitive   best   practices.   All certifications to be   earned   by trainees   shall   be internationally recognized and generally acceptable in the Industry. The NC-HCD shall focus on the Oil and Gas Industry and linkage sectors.

Duration for Nigerian Content Human Capital Development

The duration for Nigerian Content Human Capital Development (NC-HCD) shall include the duration needed for adequate classroom and practical training, on-the-job/hands-on training, as well as the duration needed to achieve agreed competences and certifications. The duration for Project-Based Human Capital Development Trainings shall be Twelve (12 Months) or the duration of the project/contract, whichever is longer. The duration for all NC-HCD Trainings shall be approved by the Board in line with the provisions of the Guideline for Nigerian Content Human Capital Development Implementation Strategy and globally competitive best practices.

Review and Approval of Training Plan

The Board shall review all Project-Based Human Capital Development Training Implementation Plans (TIP) submitted by the operators/project promoters and contractors, or any other Training Plan/Proposal submitted by collaborating  stakeholders, consultants/training providers  or institutions  and revert with the reviewed copy within five (5)  working   days.  The operators/project promoters, contractors, collaborating stakeholders, consultants/training providers or institutions shall update the Training Plan in line with the Board’s review/comments and revert within five (5) working days. The Board shall vet  and/or review  the  Training  Plan and  if satisfied,  issue  approval   letter  to  the operators/project  promoters and contractors within One (1) week in  the case of Project-Based Human Capital Development,  Non-Compliance  Human Capital Development  and Collaborative Human Capital Development. If dissatisfied with the Training Plan, the Board shall invite the operators/project promoters, contractors or collaborating stakeholders for engagement and resolution of outstanding issues. Thereafter, the operators/project promoters, contractors or collaborating stakeholders shall update the Training Plan in line with the resolution and revert for approval within One week.

Nigerian Content and Entrepreneurship Training Modules

All NC-HCD Trainings shall include Nigerian Content Awareness and Entrepreneurship Modules. The Nigerian Content and Entrepreneurship Modules shall be compulsory for all trainees. This is intended deliberately to equip the trainees with basic and relevant knowledge on Nigerian Content and Entrepreneurial skills. The Nigerian Content Module may  be  facilitated   by  resource   persons  from  the  Board,  especially  where  the  training provider is unable to provide competent and experienced facilitators to handle the module to the satisfaction of the Board.

The scope of the   Entrepreneurship   Module   shall   be as stated   in the   Training Implementation Proposal (TIP). As part of the training, each trainee shall be required to prepare business plans/proposals, including funding/financial plan, marketing plan and sustainable business management framework/strategy. Also, the trainees shall be taught how to source   for fund/finance from the   banks and   other   funding   entities/Venture capitalists.

Qualification for Candidates for NC-HCD Trainings

Candidates’ qualification for Project-Based Human Capital Development Trainings shall be in line with the qualification requirements stated in the Training Implementation Proposal (TIP} approved by the Board, and the provisions of the Guideline for Nigerian Content Human Capital Development Implementation Strategy.  For other   NC-HCD Trainings, candidates’ qualification shall be based on the qualification (s} required for the trainings.  Apart from the academic qualifications, all candidates for NC-HCD Trainings must be registered on the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Joint Qualification System (NOGIC JQS) Portal.

Nomination of Candidates for NC-HCD Trainings

The Board shall nominate candidates for all NC-HCD Trainings from the NOGIC JQS Portal and ensure compliance with the Guideline for Community Content (i.e. minimum of 50% candidates from the project catchment areas. Also, the Board shall ensure national spread in the nomination of candidates for NC-HCD Trainings. Nomination  of candidates for NC­ HCD Trainings shall  be  based  on  the  qualification(s}  required  for  the  trainings,  and  the maximum ratio of three to one (3:1) to ensure enough candidates and fair competition at the selection  exercise.  Nomination of candidates for Project-Based Human Capital Development Trainings shall be in line with the requirements in the approved Training Implementation Proposal.

The candidates shall be subjected to selection exercise by the contractor in collaboration with the operator/project promoter or collaborating stakeholders and the Board.  The selection exercise shall comprise of written test and oral interview. The percentage pass mark for the written test and oral interview shall be determined by the parties involved. The written test shall be Computer-Based Test (CBT} or Non-Computer-Based Test (NCBT} as may be determined by the Board. Only the candidates that passed the written test shall qualify for the oral interview based on the jointly established pass mark.  Also, only the candidates that passed the oral interview based on the jointly established pass mark, and certified medically fit, shall be invited to participate in the training.  No selection exercise shall take place without formal notification by the operator/contractor or collaborating stakeholders and involvement of the Board. The Board shall jointly sign-off  the  results of the  written  test  and  oral  interview  and  the  list of successful  candidates. The Board shall ensure sustainable transparency, fairness and reliability in the nomination of candidates and selection process.

To be considered for the NC-HCD trainings, candidates must first be registered in the Board’s Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Joint Qualification System (NOGIC JQS) Portal. To register, kindly click NOGIC JQS Portal

NC-HCD Trainings Data

To view the list of Beneficiaries of our Training programmes, click here

To view the list of our Ongoing Training programmes, click here

To view data on employment created through our Training programmes, click here

To view photobook of our Training programmes, click here

To view the list of completed Trainings, click here

To view the Guideline for Nigerian Content Human Capital Development Implementation Strategy, click here

For Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), click here

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