NCDMB wins Award as Best Media Friendly Organisation


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The Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB) has won an award as the “Best Media Friendly Organisation in Bayelsa State.”

The award was presented at the 6th edition of the Bayelsa Media Award held in Yenagoa on Saturday and according to the organisers, NCDMB won because of its enduring support to media organisations and practitioners in the state, which includes various capacity building workshops, donation of seats and infrastructure to the Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ) Bayelsa chapter, advertising support among others.

The BMA is an annual event organised by Sqilful Konseptz, with the aim of promoting and rewarding excellence in the Media and Entertainment industries in Bayelsa State, encouraging healthy competition among media organizations and contributing to the socio-economic development of the Niger Delta region.

The Supervisor Media & Publicity NCDMB, Mr. Obinna Ezeobi received the award on behalf of the General Manager, Corporate Communications & Zonal Coordination, NCDMB, Dr. G.O Ginah.

In his remarks, Mr. Ezeobi challenged media practitioners in the state to use their reports to attract and promote investments to the state and the Niger Delta region. The media, he added, should practice development journalism and create a positive perception about the region. He also harped on the need for the media to campaign against vandalism of oil infrastructure and engender harmonious relationships between operating companies and host communities.

On why the Board endowed categories in the BMA, the Supervisor Media & Publicity explained that NCDMB wanted to spur healthy competition among Bayelsa based journalists and catalyse improvements in the quality of media practice.

He described the media as key stakeholders to the successful operations in the oil and gas industry and the implementation of the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act (NOGICD) Act.

More than 20 awards were conferred on winning journalists and organisations. The NCDMB Prize for Oil & Gas Broadcast Reporter of the Year was won by Mr. Ovieteme George of TV Continental. His report titled “Oil exploration and pollution: The Niger Delta situation since 1960” highlighted the impact of the scourge on the nation and oil producing communities, while calling for change.

Mr. Emem Idio of the Vanguard Newspaper also won the NCDMB Prize for Oil & Gas Print Reporter of the Year. His feature story was titled “APOI: Agony of a Bayelsa spill ravaged community” and it narrated the pains of the citizens of the APOI community in Southern Ijaw LGA and how a faction of the community leadership and NAOC have continued to bicker over the remediation of a major oil spillage that occurred in 2017. Both winners received a new laptop each and cash prize.



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